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Podcast CV

My audio experiences and beyond: Why employ me? 

[Created in 2021]

My podcast CV shares all my audio experiences from areas you can explore in detail throughout this website. My podcast CV has been an opportunity for me to highlight my skills and audio opportunities I have been involved with other recent years. I also share work experiences I have gained beyond in the audio industry.


You can listen to my podcast CV below on my Soundcloud account 

Student Radio Stories

[2020 - Present]

In 2020 I started my own podcast, 'Student Radio Stories' where I began by talking about my experience and journey in Student Radio. Now in my podcast interviews, I talk with others about their radio journey, and they usually share tips and advice for those currently in student radio. I now have nearly fifty podcast episodes published on all major podcasting platforms - linked below for your listening purposes.



Working on my own podcast has been a great way for me to develop and advance my presenting skills, some of which I had gained during my early experiences in student radio.


Interviewing guests 

Having a range of guests on my podcast from different personal and media backgrounds has extended the conversational element and interest for listeners while helping me to grow my confidence in interviewing people. Amongst this, I have researched my podcast guests in advance and learned how best to script questions, appropriate to their background. I have loved hearing about everyone's different radio journeys and speaking to others with a student radio background. I have personally found making this podcast really rewarding and I feel it has made them more interesting and engaging for my listeners.


Audio Editing

Creating my podcast has also allowed me to expand my audio editing skills, which I had to get to grips with from my very first podcast. 


South Region on Air

In 2020, as some student radio stations were unable to broadcast from home during the pandemic 'Surge Radio' and 'Radio Sonar' worked together to create 'South Region on Air' allowing student radio stations in the south of England to broadcast and showcase their work to be broadcasted on Surge Radio; the TuneIn app, and the UniWaves app (where you can listen to all student radio stations in the UK). This allowed me to get episodes of my podcast aired on 'South Region on Air' every Sunday. 

Digital Media Leader

[Created in 2019]

In 2019, during my University summer work experience at Basingstoke College of Technology, I created the 'Digital media leader' podcast. The focus of this podcast was surrounding educational technology (EdTech) and included interview segments with members of staff who worked for the college's digital team sharing their experience with Edtech. 


This experience introduced me to the podcast creation process as I developed my skills in podcast producing, interviewing people, and audio editing. 


You can listen to the podcast below on my Soundcloud account. 

Me in my podcast jumper

Me in my 'Student Radio Stories' podcast jumper

South region on air image

My involvement with South Region on Air.

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