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My 'Your Choice on Voice' Graphic

Community Radio

[November 2020 - Present]

Near the end of 2020, I joined Voice FM in Southampton as a volunteer radio presenter. This has helped me expand my radio presenting experience. 


I present a weekly request radio show called 'Your Choice on Voice', where I play songs of my choice and requests that listeners send in. 


Student Radio

[January 2019 - Present]

During my first year of University, I joined my University Student Radio Station 'Sound Radio'.


Being part of Sound Radio led me to grow as a person and become more confident. 


I found that my involvement with student radio inspired me to get involved with radio wherever possible and this encouraged me to actively participate in my student radio station and beyond. (Check out my portfolio​ page for more).This was recognised by my fellow members at Sound Radio as I was nominated for 'Most Dedicated' at the 2019 Sound Radio Awards. I also feel proud to be part of Sound Radio, not least as I was part of a wonderful team that won 'Most Improved Student Radio Station' at the I Love Student Radio Awards evening when I attended the 2019 Student Radio Association Conference.  


In 2019, me and some of the team from my student radio station were lucky enough to have a tour around the Global studios in Leicester Square, London. This was a memorable experience as Global is one of the largest commercial radio stations in Europe. 



I have presented my own weekly radio show at University for the past three years. Leading to my involvement with the community radio station Voice FM




I have always produced my own student radio shows which require planning, production of the show, and reflection once I have presented to help myself improve. 


During my second year of University, I was a radio producer for Sound Radio, tuning in to my allocated presenter's shows and giving them critique, and coaching them.


Representing my Student Radio Station - Sound Radio


During my third year of University, I was elected as Vice-Chair/Head of programming of the Sound Radio society. I have maintained this role, starting in September 2020, meaning the committee members and I, have had to be adaptable and supportive to our society members online during the COVID pandemic.


Voice Fm Photoshoot

Voice FM PhotoShoot

Voice FM Headshot

Voice FM Photoshoot

Me and a Heart microphone

Visit to Global Studios with my Student Radio Station Sound Radio

Winning most improved student radio station

Winning 'Most Improved Student Radio Station' at the 2019 Student Radio Association Conference.

Me and some of the Sound Radio team

Me and some of the Sound Radio team after winning 'Most Improved Student Radio Station' in 2019.

Me and some sound radio people outside Global studios

Me and some of the Sound Radio team outside Global Studios in London in 2019.

Being mentioned by Winchester Student Union

On December 13th 2020 I was mentioned and recognised by Winchester Student Union for my radio involvement and volunteering with Voice FM.

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